(021)58305582 / 081213188980
Jl. Raya Kembangan Utara No. 88 Jakarta Barat 11610


Our Programs & Teaching Method
We understand that NO ‘one fits all’ when it comes to special needs education, so we focus on customizing our approach for every student we educate. Depending on the students’ assessment, age and ability, we may start with an early intervention programs which can improve the quality of life for students with developmental concerns. We strive to understand each student’s needs and designed a comprehensive Individual Education Program (IEP) for each student as it is the key foundation in providing customized teaching and learning strategies. IEP for each student will take into account the particular student’s needs and challenges such as social, development, language, fine/gross motoric, cognitive and academic skills. The IEP is made in collaboration with parents, teachers, therapist and is reviewed regularly.

The first step is to asses the child. We will spend several hours with the child and parents to gather information on the child previous assessments, past school records and other notes from whoever observed and know the child well for the most accurate results. We allow a few days trial to your child in the class room so we can get to know the child better, how they learn things, their behaviour and emotional stability so we can prepare the programs and supports needed for your child before we put the child in the adaptation class.

Our teaching method is aimed so that each student can overcome their learning barriers. To achieve this, we make adjustment to meet the student’s strengths and needs such as adjusting the learning materials according to their ability not their age.

Each student has access to a range of therapy support and other special activities from music, motoric, sensory, behavior therapies, learning and academic support.

Our academic key learning areas including literacy, numeracy, science, computer, physical development and non-academic learning is fostered through a range of arts and crafts, painting/batik, music, angklung, dance and social & practical life skills programs including handling money, ordering foods, super market trip, using public transport & on foot, pedestrians rules, cooking, gardening, museum visit and other life skills activities. Both academic and non-academic programs are integrated as an outcome of this learning approach to promote independence, resilience and self-esteem.

We also offer remote learning via zoom. Our goal is to help students develop skills to become as independent as possible